Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26th WASM Newsletter

Fellow member Anne-Sylvie Groleau invites you to visit her solo exhibit “Canapy” at L’Espace contemporain 5175 Papineau (corner Laurier), Montreal, March 27-April 1, 2018. The vernissage will be on March 30th from 6-8PM.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018: Our next Lecture with Marie Leconte, PhD candidate in English Studies. Title: "What is Anglo-Quebecois Literature?" How did this literature emerge in a province where the English language is so fraught with social and political strife? This will be an interesting, informative and enlightening lecture. Click on the following link to get to the Events Page of our WASM Website for more details:
Reminder to RSVP to say if you are entering 1 or 2 artworks for Judging Day, April 14, 2018 (deadline: April 12). Refer to previous blog posts for all the info.
The Holiday Village display at Ogilvy's has been donated to the McCord Museum, along with a donation of $50,000 to help in its upkeep. Take a look at the following link to a pdf with full details.
THURSDAY, April 5 — 12:30 to 1:30 pm
For the
Atwater Library Lunchtime Series, renowned editor, publisher, and author Douglas Gibson, presents "GREAT SCOTS: Canada’s Greatest Storytellers with Scottish Links." The McGill University Chair in Canadian-Scottish Studies is co-hosting this special event.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018: Presentation by former WASM speaker of 2017, Marianna Armata, Photographer. Title: "A Fresh Perspective on Macro Photography" from 7:30 to 9pm at the Dollard Library at the Civic Centre / 12001 de Salaberry Blvd / DDO.
Recently returning, fellow member, Iby Siemens, has been a porcelain painter for many years. She says, "It is such a great art, especially as they make such wonderful presents, which can be personalized with initials. Last spring, as a volunteer, I taught porcelain painting to some seniors at Manoir Westmount (I am a Rotary member.). They were delighted, realizing that their creations would become heirlooms." Recently Iby has started with acrylics on canvas. A painting that she did entitled "Iby Siemens: Painting 2009" was at the 2009 WASM Art Show at Ogilvy’s Tudor Hall.
Take a look at our Members' Gallery on our WASM Website. If you would like to put a painting or sculpture there, then do send it to Cathy. If you already have one on there and would like to change it to another, then do send me the new one. Veronica Dragnef, our Treasurer and Web Admin, will place it in the gallery. Click on the following link for our WASM Members' Gallery:  

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